The day was Friday. The month was October in the year 1995. I pondered over my life in the last one year. I could barely recognize myself. So much had changed – my looks, my thoughts, my dreams, the things I had become concerned about. I could not have imagined all the change that had… [Read More]
Midi-me Thots
My writings at age 15 to 22...
I was gradually becoming my own person. My writing had just begun to take shape. Old habits die hard though, or never in this case as I couldn't stop journaling. This phase bore my insecurities and doubts - typically as it concerned self love, dealing with the opposite sex and other adventures. Here are a few of my thoughts at the time. Do come in.
The thing with Blurry Lines is…
I confess that my experiences have for the most part, served me well. Talk about life being in phases. Our every waking moment is often a skewed diet of the good, the bad and most definitely the ugly. A toddler who was a victim of bullying in the past grows up to be an aggressive… [Read More]
Not ashamed of my scars…Still got ‘em!
I have had my share of aches, injuries, hurts, wounds and the likes. I am almost certain that you have too. Wouldn’t it be great if life only bore beauty, splendour and nothing but happy memories. What fun would there be in that though – liken that to lemonades without lemons! Honey without bees; chocolate… [Read More]
Oh such a loss; what pain!
I wish I could boast of how strong I have been or am. It would be a lie to say that I have always handled the passing of a loved one with decorum or positivity. I have lost people along the different time lines of my life; I have watched people I care about lose… [Read More]
I have almost always had what I consider a very great relationship with my father. I could give several reasons for this: I am the first girl, (was the only girl for ten years until my kid sister came to ‘share my shine’), I was pretty, brilliant, confidence and respectful (I still got all these… [Read More]
Butterflies in my Tommy
Wow, what a day. I think he likes me. I want to tell Bisi, but I do not know how he will take it. What if he tells mummy? Rachael was not even listening to what I was trying to tell her. She thinks I am too young. Does she think I don’t know what… [Read More]
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