To think that I would not readily categorize myself as one who likes to watch TV. That fact is gradually changing and giving room for the truth that I need to be sold a great reason to actually watch really good TV.
Anyways, so my hubby comes home with the complete episodes of seasons 1 and 2 of a Sci-Fi type movie series. By the time I had watched episode 1 of season 1, I was absolutely drawn in. I confess to watching three to four episodes every night for a number of weeks until I was done with the entire movie.
Of concern to me was the fact that one day I had to turn on the generator to be able to keep up with my movie appointment. A few hours later, electricity was restored. I hit the pause button and stood up to go out to turn off the generating set. As I approached the door, I felt this overwhelming feeling of fear. Yes fear.
While watching an episode of this movie, I attempted to go out to turn off the generating set a couple of times, but couldn’t bring myself to doing so. Why? I had become afraid of the thought of a cyborg or worse still an alien pouncing on me if I went outside. The feeling was awkward because I had often gone out at really late hours to turn off this very same generator. “Why was today any different?” I thought.