If someone or something has an edge, it means that they have an advantage that makes them stronger or likely to be more successful than another thing or person.
Many things can give us the much-needed edge we seek. Our looks, thoughts, knowledge, skills, experience, expertise, attitude, background, exposure, qualifications, position, relationships, environment, finances etc. It goes on and on. It is an inexhaustive list.
An edge could be lavish or grand. At other times, it’s simple and uncomplicated.
Sometimes, the thing that gives us an edge is obvious while at other times it takes intentionally searching out. Many times, we take for granted the very thing or person that provides us with an edge. Worse still is when we take that thing or person for granted.
It is rather unfortunate that many of us are ignorant of the importance of a thing or oblivious of the edge it gives us. Sometimes, we simply underestimate or outrightly abhor that thing, person, or circumstance. On occasion, the thing standing in our way of enjoying the edge is our attitude.
Feelings of inadequacy rob us of what we have. Ingratitude strips us from the potency of the blessedness of what we possess. Pride blinds us from seeing and interpreting the edge that’s right before us.
I challenge you to look above you; to God – the supreme being, the maker of the Universe who decided to reside in you.
I challenge you to look inside you; to the bundle of knowledge and experiences that you carry.
I challenge you to look around you; to the people that surround you and to the resources at your disposal. To the communities that you are a part of, to the tribes you belong to.
I challenge you to look beneath you, to the crawling creatures, creeping insects, to the earth on which you stand. To the elements that you ought to command.
Do you appreciate the family that you are a part of? Your spouse, children, siblings, in-laws?
Are you thankful for the facilities, platforms, and access to resources that many wished they had? Your house, your clothes, food, good health?Are you appreciative of the physical and online communities that you are a part of?
What are you doing with the edge that you’ve been given?
Like you, I have not always appreciated the sheer beauty that lies within and about me or the opportunities that abound. Not anymore. I recognize my edge(s) and I’ll commit to utilizing them.
Will you do the same?
Image source: Google Images/thesaurus.plus
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