Furious. Enraged. Inflamed. Livid. I’m tempted to go on and on, but I won’t. I hadn’t experienced such a cocktail of anger and frustration in a while. This was not like any other Saturday, it was a family event we had long prepared for. Relatives would be coming from all over. One of our very… [Read More]
Dignity when giving
The past week was torturous with many people traveling to see their loved ones. The combination of fuel scarcity and traffic is a lethal one. With the number of people traveling you’ll think buses at the garage would fill up quickly. Waiting for buses to fill up can be exhausting, so it is not uncommon… [Read More]
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT – be kind, just because.
There’s a lot to love about the world, don’t you think?! In spite of the disagreements, headiness, ranchors and wars that threaten our humanity, our humaneness, you and I are recipients of thoughts, words and acts of kindness. So yes, you’ve sown seeds of kindness in uncountable measures too and typically it appears that… [Read More]
About 50 Unread messages from one of my Alumni groups (NCCF 2002 set a.k.a Joshua Generation). “Not much to catch up on”, I thought. So I decided to spend about 5 minutes to read through. Someone was recently added to the group and he was being welcomed. Typically. I joined others to welcome him…. [Read More]
Thankful – cheers to us!
2021 was many things for me. It saw me own my different – talk about “returning to base’. Haha-haha. If you haven’t gotten my book, you should. http://bit.ly/theartofdifferentfree For the first time in a long time, I willfully protected my peace and happiness. I was reminded not to fret, not to force anything, anyone. Not… [Read More]
What have you Outgrown?!
I have been pretty lazy about cleaning and clearing up my guest room for some weeks now. I finally got to it. Understandably, there was so much dust and dirt. I spent a lot longer time cleaning than I would have if only I’d done it sooner. It was not all dreary and tiring. I… [Read More]
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