Yesterday, my family and I learned many unintended lessons. When the Nationwide strike was announced, we anticipated an increase in commodities that usually happens when people begin to panic. I must confess that since there have been previous rumours of strikes that did not materialise, I gave very little attention to this warning… [Read More]
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT – be kind, just because.
There’s a lot to love about the world, don’t you think?! In spite of the disagreements, headiness, ranchors and wars that threaten our humanity, our humaneness, you and I are recipients of thoughts, words and acts of kindness. So yes, you’ve sown seeds of kindness in uncountable measures too and typically it appears that… [Read More]
About 50 Unread messages from one of my Alumni groups (NCCF 2002 set a.k.a Joshua Generation). “Not much to catch up on”, I thought. So I decided to spend about 5 minutes to read through. Someone was recently added to the group and he was being welcomed. Typically. I joined others to welcome him…. [Read More]
…And away it flew!
I love nature. Animals, birds, the sky, trees, landforms, the whole nine yards. Scratch that! I just remembered that besides butterflies, I don’t like insects! Bzzz!!! Dang it! I definitely don’t like lizards too! Guess I can’t quite call myself an animal lover then. Whatev’s! I often feel a burst of energy each time that… [Read More]
How would you respond to being cheated?
Several months ago, I was approached by an actress to edit a movie script that she was working on. It was her first feature film. She also wanted me to come up with possible endings as well as a synopsis for the story. She was referred by another client I had written a profile for… [Read More]
Why Are You So Considerate?!
My two youngest children, Richard and Claire practically had their lunch in a rush. They cleared up where they’d eaten, washed their hands and went right back to their laptops to continue with their games. My daughter, Claire quickly informed her brother that she wanted to play another game but her brother convinced her otherwise…. [Read More]
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